Worship Directory

Malibu Mayor Paul Grisanti attended the third annual Malibu Optimist Instrumental Music Festival held on Tuesday, May 24, at the Saint Aiden's Episcopal Church. Photo by Devon Meyers/TMT.

Chabad of Malibu 

Chabad of Malibu will host Passover services at 22933 Pacific Coast Highway. Theeight-day festival of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan. For more information regarding Pesach Seder, call (310) 456-6588 or visit jewishmalibu.com

St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church

The church is located at 28211 Pacific Coast Highway. To watch Sunday’s service live, visit the church on Facebook at staidanmalibu at 10 a.m. For more information regarding service, call (310) 357-7966 or visit staidanschurch.org.

Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue

Synagogue is located at 24855 Pacific Coast Highway. For information regarding service, call (310) 456-2178 or visit mjcs.org.

Malibu Pacific Church

Located at 3324 Malibu Canyon Road, Sunday service will take place in-person and online at 10 a.m. For more information, visit malibupacific.church or call (310) 456-1611.

Malibu United Methodist Church

Church is located at 30128 Morning View Drive. For more information regarding service, call (310) 589-0053 or visit malibuumc.org.

Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Church 

Church is located at 3625 Winter Canyon Rd, Sunday Mass is at 11 a.m. for more information, call (310) 456-2361 or visit olmalibu.org.

Waveside Church

Sunday worship will be held in-person and online at 10 a.m. In-person is located at Malibu Elementary School, 6955 Fernhill Drive. For online, visit wavesidechurch.com. For information call (310) 774-1927.

Vintage Church Malibu

Vintage Church Malibu is located at Webster Elementary every Sunday at 10am (3602 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu, CA). 

For Easter, they are having 2 services, at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. And a good friday service on April 7, from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. for more information visit, vintagemalibu.org.