“NOTICE TO READERS: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.”
ALL REAL ESTATE advertised herein are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, ancestry or national origin or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertisements for real estate in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
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This Week’s Classifieds
AGOURA ANIMAL SHELTER 29525 West Agoura Road, Agoura, CA 91301 (west of Kanan Road) 818-991-0071. Visiting Hours Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Closed on Sunday and holidays. www.animalcare.lacounty.gov
If veterinary care is unavailable or unaffordable, ask for Happy Jack® ItchNoMore® or Skin Balm® to treat skin allergies on dogs & cats. At Tractor Supply®.
IF YOU HAD KNEE OR HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY and suffered an infection due to use of a Bair Hugger (Blue Blanket), between 2020 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call attorney Charles H. Johnson (800) 535-5727 (Cal-SCAN)
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 400 plus procedures. Real dental insurance – NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-844-203-2677 www.dental50plus.com/calnews #6258 (Cal-SCAN)
Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special – Only $99! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-888-256-9155 (Cal-SCAN)
Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-888-989-5749 (Cal-SCAN)
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-424-7581 (Cal-SCAN)
DID YOU KNOW Newspaper-generated content is so valuable it’s taken and repeated, condensed, broadcast, tweeted, discussed, posted, copied, edited, and emailed countless times throughout the day by others? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email
The difference in winning and losing market share is how businesses use their advertising dollars. CNPA’s Advertising Services’ power to connect to nearly 13 million of the state’s readers who are an engaged audience, makes our services an indispensable marketing solution. For more info call Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or cecelia@cnpa.com
Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! (Additional terms apply.) Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 3/30/25.) Call 1-833-985-4766
Consumer Cellular – the same reliable, nationwide coverage as the largest carriers. No long-term contract, no hidden fees and activation is free. All plans feature unlimited talk and text, starting at just $20/month. For more information, call 1-844-908-0605 (Cal-SCAN)
Autos Wanted
DONATE YOUR VEHICLE to fund the SEARCH FOR MISSING CHILDREN. FAST FREE PICKUP. 24 hour response. Running or not. Maximum Tax Deduction and No Emission Test Required! Call 24/7: 1-877-434-6852 (Cal-SCAN)
Get a break on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-491-2884 today! (Cal-SCAN)
GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DONATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patriotic Hearts’ programs help veterans find work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-855-408-6546 (Cal-SCAN))
Tiene un vehiculo no deseado? Donelo a Patriotic Hearts! Recogida rápida y gratuita en los 50 estados. Patriotic Hearts ofrece programas para ayudar a los veteranos a encontrar trabajo o iniciar su propio negocio. Llama ahora: 1-844- 244-5441 (24/7) (Cal-SCAN)
A BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Quicken, QuickBooks, Excel. Honest, reliable, discreet. Local references. Patti 310-720-8004. www.pattiullmanbookkeeping.com
KANEROY and ASSOCIATES has been proud to serve Malibu & the Westside for the past 20 years, and look forward to putting it’s broad experience, creativity and craftsmanship to work for you on your next construction project. Kane Sickner 310-456-6841, www.kaneroy.com. Lic.#569337-Bonded/insured.
CONEJO VALLEY ELECTRIC Lighting & electrical solutions. Full service electrical contractor & lighting specialist. We also install all wall mounts, flat screen TV’s, speakers & network systems. Family owned. Call 818-259-4055 or 805-497-7711. Lic#922260.
COASTLINE FENCE CO Wood, Chain link & Vinyl Fencing * Custom Gates & Entry Systems *Windscreens * Snake Fences & Corrals. Competitive prices * Quality work. Local Malibu Co. for over 26yrs Jeff Turner 310-457-2139 coastlinefence@gmail.com Lic#965437
Financial Services / Money to Loan
Struggling with debt? If you have over $10,000 in debt we help you be debt free in as little as 24-48 months. Pay nothing to enroll. Call Now: 1-877-435-4860 (Cal-SCAN)
Flea Market
For Rent
3945 LAS FLORES CYN, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1050 sq ft. fireplace, A/C, ocean view with private deck. All utilities paid, new appliances, pets upon approval. Laundry on site. $5,500/ per month. Call for photos or an appointment. (575) 640-6361.
***House For Rent*** Long term rentals only. Furnished or unfurnished, total privacy, security gates. Remodeled residence has 4 bedrooms / 4.5 baths + guesthouse 1 bedroom 1 bath + optional guest studio 1 bath. Panoramic ocean views. Gardens & fruit trees. See multiple videos on YouTube, Search 27931 W. Winding Way, Malibu. Call or text for additional details 310-720-7800
1 Bed 1 Bath Apt @ County Line, Malibu Ocean views. Walk to beach. W/D hu. New range & refrigerator. Pet friendly $3,495 month to month. Call 310-497-9045
For Sale – Miscellaneous
Quamvis 320 Hyperbaric Chamber. Used—like new. Includes oxygen. $11,500. Original price $30,000. Call 310-435-3587
Yamaha C2 2005 Grand Piano with piano disc system $9,000. Call 310-435-3587
MANNY’S THE HANDYMAN Construction, including demolition. Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, masonry/concrete, retaining walls, drywall, tile, roofing & painting, framing, finish carpentry. Power washing: decks, driveways & roofs. 30 yrs experience. Call Manny: 323-445-9622.
OLAN LAW Personal Injuries, Auto Accidents, Wrongful Death, Uninsured Motorist, Premises Liability, and Product Liability. Call David Olan 310-566-0010 www.olanlaw.com
Lost & Found
*FREE LOST & FOUND ADS.* Have you lost a pet or found an article? Please call our Classified Dept. at 310-456-5507 and we will be glad to take your classified ad at NO CHARGE
Online Advertising
IS YOUR WEB SITE LOST IN CYBERSPACE? Get LINKED to www.MalibuTimes.com and get NOTICED! 45,000+ Visitors. Over 250,000 Page Views per month! Call 310-456-5507.
MISTER ROBERTS PAINTING COMPANY- 60 Year Anniversary – Interior, Exterior, Smoke Damage, Water Damage, Cabinetry, Stucco, Plaster, Drywall Repairs, Deck Restorations & Specialty Finishes. Call 310-456-0409. Lic#491492, bonded/insured.
Paradise Painting – 15% OFF SPECIAL – We do it right the first time! Complete interior & exterior restoration specialists. Call or Text for a free estimate 805-910-9247. CSLB 1084319
Real Estate Loans
RETIRED COUPLE $$$$ for business purpose Real Estate loans. Credit unimportant. V.I.P. Trust Deed Company www.viploan.com Call 1-818-248-0000. Broker-principal DRE 01041073. No consumer loans. (Cal-SCAN)
Real Estate – Out of State

SANDPOINT, IDAHO – Boutique hotel (30 rooms, 40,000 sf) with boat dock,located on 300’ waterfront. Magnificent Lake Pend Oreille at the Long Bridge. 3.02 acres. Year built: 2007. Includes four 2br/1ba condominiums, 3br/2ba cabin and enormous equipment storage building. Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort nearby. Year-round recreation. Extraordinary marina development opportunity. $18,000,000. glenn.leslie@live.com Leslie Wood phone: 805-680-1251

For Sale By Owner. Beautiful Home on Oahu’s North Shore. Amazing property with 80ft of Sandy Beach Frontage on a 12,000 sq. ft. lot. Newly built 4 bedroom/ 6 bath home with 9,000 sq. ft of living area and beachside pool. Construction is 70% complete awaiting finishing touches. Your dream awaits. Call 808-728-1983 for more information.
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices – No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 1-877-252-9868 (Cal-SCAN)
Don’t Pay For Covered Home Repairs Again! Our home warranty covers ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. We stand by our service and if we can’t fix it, we’ll replace it! Pick the plan that fits your budget! Call:1-855-411-1731 (Cal-SCAN)
WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RESTORATION: A small amount of water can lead to major damage in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-888-248-0815. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! (Cal-SCAN)
FRIENDS OF THE MALIBU LIBRARY Volunteering for the Malibu Library Bookstore contact Harriet Pollon at Harrietpollon74@gmail.com