Discussion on Next Week’s City Council meeting on April 10


Discussion on Next Week’s City Council:

April 10:

Ceremonial Presentations:

  • Presentation on Santa Monica College Malibu Campus Grand Opening. 
  • Presentation on 2022 Environmental Programs Accomplishments.

New Items: 

  • Jake Kuredjian Citizenship Award. Recommended Action: At the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission, approve the nomination of Sara Wan as the recipient of the 2023 Jake Kuredjian Citizenship Award.
  • Resolution Extending the Declaration of the COVID-19 Local Emergency.

Ordinances and Public Hearings

  • Adoption of Ordinance No. 504 – Los Angeles County Fire Code. Recommended Action: 1) Conduct the Public Hearing; and 2) Conduct the second reading, unless waived, and adopt Ordinance No. 504, adopting by reference Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code, which incorporates the California Fire Code, 2022 Edition, as amended; adopting local amendments to said code; ratifying the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County’s Building Standards contained in Title 32, as amended; and finding the action exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.

New Business:

  • Homelessness Task Force Recommendations Regarding Public Safety and Public Outreach. Recommended Action: 1) Review a report from the Homelessness Task Force that includes recommendations for public safety and public outreach; and 2) Provide direction to staff.
  • Review of Homelessness Task Force Charter Progress. Recommended Action: 1) Review the Homelessness Task Force Charter progress on completing the Charter assignments; 2) Review options to address issues the Task Force is having to meet quorum; and 3) Identify next steps.
  • Malibu Farmers Market Fee Waiver. Recommended Action: Consider whether to approve the request from the Cornucopia Foundation to waive the facility use and permit fees for Malibu Farmers Market parking at the Ioki Property.
  • Initiate Amendments to MMC and LCP to Address Home Sharing. Recommended Action: 1) Receive a report from staff; and 2) Adopt Resolution No. 23-16, initiating an amendment to the Malibu Municipal Code and initiating an amendment to the Local Coastal Program Local Implementation Plan to address timeshare use in the City and finding the action exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Assembly Bill (AB) 1500 – Property Taxation: Application of Base Year Value: Disaster Relief: SUPPORT.
  • Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support for AB 1500, which would extend the five-year time period for property tax exemption for homes that were substantially damaged or destroyed by the 2018 Woolsey Fire.

Council Items:

  1. None.

To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.