Update: Motorcyclist killed on PCH in crash on Christmas Eve identified


On Dec. 24, at 6 p.m., Los Angeles County Fire Department and deputies from Lost Hills Station responded to a vehicle versus motorcycle traffic collision on 33400 Pacific Coast Highway. The male motorcyclist was headed south and died at the scene of the crash, according to authorities. The victim was identified as Jose Alfonso De Lira Piedra, 32, of Burbank, according to records from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s office.

According to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs Station Sgt. James Arens, the incident is still under investigation, but there was no indication that the motorist was going above the speed limit. Arens said there was a black Cadillac Escalade backing out of the driveway on the south side of PCH when it crashed into the motorcyclists.

“It was hard to see at night, there was no lighting there, so I don’t even know if the motorcyclists even saw it,” Arens said.

The crash shut down a 2 1/2-mile stretch of PCH just south of Leo Carrillo State Beach. 

The City of Malibu released a statement on the incident on social media: “The City’s thoughts are with all those affected by this tragic event. The City is committed to working with Caltrans in its efforts to improve safety conditions on PCH while simultaneously exploring ways that the City can address PCH safety concerns within its jurisdictional ability. Learn more about the efforts by the City, our law enforcement partners and our local County and State elected officials to make PCH safe for residents, pedestrians, cyclist and motorists at www.MalibuCity.org/PCHSafety.”