Due to extreme heat City of Malibu’s Michael Landon Community Center at Bluffs Park (PCH/Malibu Cyn) will be a Cooling Center from Aug 31 to Sept 5, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Malibu Library and Topanga Library are also listed as two cooling centers.

Shelter from the heat inside & access to cold water. Heat safety, public pools, Cooling Center info: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh/climatechange/ExtremeHeat.htm
The County of Los Angeles Fire Department and Lifeguard Division warns visitors of the heat and suggests planning accordingly.
“Long duration heat wave is expected across Los Angeles County. If you plan to visit the beaches be sure to pack an umbrella, sunscreen, and plenty of fluids! When cooling off in the Ocean, be sure to swim in front of an OPEN Lifeguard Tower!”