The following incidents were reported between March 8 to March 11


The following incidents were reported between March 8 to March 11

A property on Las Flores was broken into and a glass door was smashed. The victim said multiple rooms were ransacked but was unable to identify any stolen items. The victim said the glass door was estimated to cost $1,000 to repair.

A designer bag was stolen from a vehicle parked near the Whole Foods shopping center on Civic Center Way. The victim left their vehicle unlocked and said the passenger side window was shattered. The deputy was able to obtain security footage of the incident and saw the suspect break into the vehicle and steal the victims purse. The suspect was driving a white four-door vehicle with tinted windows, possibly a Chevrolet Malibu, and without a license plate, parked directly east of the victim’s car and drove west with the victim’s belongings. The purse and items inside were worth $4,625.

A vehicle parked near Malibu Colony was broken into, and the window was shattered. The victim said nothing appeared to be stolen. The window was estimated to cost $873 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Petty Theft
A vehicle parked on a driveway on Seabreeze Drive was broken into and ransacked. The victim said a backpack with miscellaneous items were stolen. The victim said security cameras were available but were not working when the incident occurred.

Petty Theft
A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and the key fob was missing. The victim left the key fob underneath the front rear tire, went surfing, and upon return, the key was missing but nothing appeared to be stolen. The key fob was estimated to cost $200 to replace. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Vehicle burglary
A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim locked their vehicle, hid the key fob underneath the wheel, went surfing, and upon return, the key was missing, and his vehicle was ransacked. The victim was notified of a purchase made at a Louis Vuitton store for $60,000 in Century City. Another purchase was made at an Apple store for $7,000. There were no security cameras available for evidence.