Shiela Kuehl’s home raided

LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl

Shiela Kuehl’s Santa Monica home was raided early Wednesday morning by deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. They carried out a search warrant into a corruption probe involving the 3 rd District Supervisor and her friend, Patti Giggans who runs the nonprofit Peace Over Violence. Investigators want details of the nonprofit’s reported $800,000 no bid contract to run a sexual harassment hotline for Metro.

Kuehl called the raid on her home and taking of her cell phone and personal documents a payback for the tumultuous relationship she has had for years with Sheriff Alex Villanueva. Kuehl has been his outspoken critic and has called for his resignation in the past over alleged gangs in the LASD and the Sheriff’s hiring of friends who previously had been charged with domestic abuse. Giggans is a member of the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission. Her home and offices were raided too.

The 81-year-old supervisor called the allegations against her “totally bogus” and said the judge who signed the warrant is a friend of Villanueva.