Public Safety Panel Prepares for Summer


Public Safety Manager Susan Dueñas presented the Sheriff’s Department proposal for the 2022 Summer Enforcement Team deployment and are also interviewing for a new fire safety liaison.

Gabriel Etcheverry was hired in September 2021 and is one of the current fire safety liaisons in Malibu. 

“We’re down to the final interviews for the new fire safety liaison,” Dueñas said. “We anticipate that instead of getting one full time person, we’re looking to get two part-time superstars. I’m really excited; if we can get these guys, we’re going to have a solid A team.”

Dueñas said the new candidates have years of brush clearance, forestry, and fire safety department experience.

“I think between those two and Gabe [Etcheverry], we are going to be in the best position this city has ever been going into the fire season, so I’m really excited about that,” Dueñas said.

To start off the public comment, Malibu resident Thomas Moore asked the commission if they would be able to implement speed humps on Wildlife Road near address 6634. Moore said vehicles continue to speed in the corner in the morning, mostly luxury cars.  

“I understand that we can’t have speed humps on the hill, but the rest of Wildlife has them,” Moore said. “I think it would be great if we could get some speed humps. The electric sign that shows you how fast you’re going, doesn’t really seem to slow anyone down.”

Moore said he was told you can’t have speed humps on a hill, but there is a possibility such as the exception of Selfridge Drive. 

Commissioner Daphne Anneet agreed with Moore and said they should be able to be supportive any way they can to reduce speeding. 

Commissioner Keegan Gibbs also echoed Moore’s and Anneet’s concerns on speeding on the hill, but also knows there are restrictions on implementing speed humps on intersections and near stop signs.

Public Works Director Rob DuBoux provided a brief response and said there is a city policy on how speed humps are implemented. DuBoux said residents who would like to learn more about where speed humps can be implemented can reach out to him at

“There are some limitations on how we can apply speed humps — we don’t want to be placing them on slopes that are more than 6 percent, there’s a certain distance between stop signs and intersections, curbs and roads,” DuBoux said. “With that, there are some design limitations that we have to look out for once we have that request in from the public. The geometry from the road and see if speed humps would be acceptable in that area based on the geometry of that road.”

DuBoux presented the Speed Survey Recommendations from the Draft 2022 Engineering and Traffic Survey to establish speed limits and provide a recommendation to the City Council to adopt the survey and direct staff to implement its speed limit recommendations. The survey is intended to serve as the basis for the establishment and enforcement of speed limits for street segments within the City of Malibu. It includes the review and analysis of 46 road segments within the city limits and was conducted in accordance with the California Vehicle Code.

Commissioner Doug Stewart motioned to support the motion for City Council to approve the proposal. Public Safety Chair Chris Frost seconded the motion; motioned carried. 

To view the Public Safety Commission meeting visit