Poetry and Art at Malibu Elementary School

The city's Arts and Education program included lessons in poetry writing with former Poet Laureate Ricardo Means Ybarra, Jolynn Regan, and Nathan Hassallrt teachers Shifra Wylder and Nicole Fisher guided students through art exercises to create the background mural following the theme, "All Living Creatures." The theme was selected by Malibu Poet Laureate Ann Buxie. Contributed Photo

The City of Malibu wants to thank Malibu Elementary School fifth-grade teachers, Robyn Estela and Tracy Kooy, for participating in the city’s Arts and Education program. 

The four-week workshop included lessons in poetry writing with former Poet Laureate Ricardo Means Ybarra, Jolynn Regan, and Nathan Hassall. Art teachers Shifra Wylder and Nicole Fisher guided students through art exercises to create the background mural following the theme, “All Living Creatures.” The theme was selected by Malibu Poet Laureate Ann Buxie. 

2Poetry and Art and MMS
The background mural following the theme, “All Living Creatures,” and created for the Arts and Education program is shown. Contributed Photo

The city’s Arts in Education program is held at all Malibu public schools and is supported by the Malibu City Council and Arts Commission.