Letter to The Editor: In response to the independent columnists last week


Dear Editor,

While I appreciate the independent columnists last week trying to advocate against racism I don’t appreciate two white men giving their opinions on it. Especially where it is highlighted that it’s about black vs. blue rather than the white homegrown police culture in this country and not mentioning anything about the historic racism in Los Angeles and Santa Monica (where black people were forced out of their homes to build the 10 freeway and civic auditorium using eminent domain).

The suffering of black and Native American people in this country and state should be highlighted by publishing results in the report by the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans and the report by the Truth and Healing Council. Real stories for this Black History Month and beyond should be sought out like how my daughter’s best friend was not guided in high school to get her language credits because it was assumed she wouldn’t go to college because she’s black with family issues and thus was revoked a full ride to a Cal state college.

These are part of the “badges and incidents” of slavery that continues to harm African Americans in almost all aspects of life and needs a remedy to dismantle our country’s racist foundations and heal the injuries.

Jo Drummond, Malibu