Man and dog survive a mountain lion attack in Malibu

Solstice Canyon Park Trail. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

A man was injured trying to save his dog from a mountain lion while hiking on Solstice Canyon Wednesday morning. The Santa Monica Mountains officials said a young mountain lion attempted to attack a dog on a leash.

National Park Service rangers provided first aid on scene. The dog was not injured. The person received a scratch and puncture wound on their hand.

A second young mountain lion was also in the immediate area during the incident. Authorities closed Solstice Canyon yesterday and reopened it earlier this morning. Park wildlife biologists were in the area to assess the situation.

“Mountain lions are unpredictable, wild animals. While conflicts with humans are rare, there is always a risk when you are recreating in areas used by mountain lions,” officials said. “If you do encounter a mountain lion, make yourself appear as large and intimidating as possible by yelling, waving your arms, and even throwing objects in the direction of the animal. Slowly back away and allow space for the mountain lion to move away. Do not turn your back and run!”

The National Park Service requires pets to always be on leash (no longer than six feet) at all times while hiking. For more information, check out the link below: Coexistence FAQs for living in mountain lion country.

Coincidentally, the City of Malibu will be providing a free Wildlife and Pet Safety Workshop on Sat, Nov. 4 at the Michael Landon Community Center at Malibu Bluffs Park from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Join Teranga Ranch Urban Wildlife Specialist Dana Stangel to discuss the natural history and behaviors of our local native wildlife. Discuss wildlife attractants and deterrents including humane vs. inhumane backyard wildlife deterrents. Learn about the dangers of using rat poison and potential alternatives and how to implement safe practices for wildlife in your backyard or on your hike. For more information visit Pre-registration required.