Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s will conduct a vehicle and motorcyclist safety operation on Friday, May 27

File photo.

The Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station will conduct a driver and motorcyclist safety enforcement operation on Friday, May 27, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and have extra deputies on patrol in the Malibu area. The announcement was posted on the official City of Malibu social media account on Tuesday. 

The top primary crash factors for motorcycles are unsafe speed, improper turning, right- of-way violations, driving under the influence and unsafe lane changes. Speeding is the most common, accounting for nearly a third of all crashes in the state. 

The account for the station shared tips to help motorists and motorcyclists stay safe on the roads:

Motorists: always check twice for motorcycles in your mirrors and blind spots; use your signal when changing lanes; never follow a motorcycle too closely; always keep a safe distance; when at an intersection, allow enough space before turning. 

Motorcyclists: always wear a DOT compliant helmet and protective gear; consider adding reflective tape to make it easier for other drivers to see you; always keep your lights on, even during the day; don’t assume drivers see you: signal well in advance before changing lanes and watch for turning vehicles; although lane splitting is legal, the practice is not encouraged at high speeds in free-flowing traffic.