Malibu famed Herb and Lani deliver a magical musical love letter

Malibu power couple Herb Alpert and Lani Hall are always in perfect harmony. Photo courtesy Herb Alpert.

Legendary local music makers Lani Hall and her husband Herb Albert are packing their bags and leaving their extraordinary digs in the ‘Bu for a while.

The songbird and her world-renowned trumpet-playing husband are about to embark on an ambitious tour throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas. 

The dynamic duo — who both have successful albums out — are teaming up once again to share their rare talents with millions of fans.

Herb’s newest studio LP released by Herb Albert Presents is called “Catch the Wind” and features nine original compositions, plus classic covers from The Beatles, with hits like “Eleanor Rigby” and “Yesterday.”

This delightful compilation also contains American standards like “Smile,” “America the Beautiful,” and “Summertime.”

Earlier this year, Herb gave a preview of what was to come with a single release of “Dance with Me.” 

The track was written in collaboration with his lifelong partner and wife, Lani Hall. The Grammy award-winning vocalist also worked on “Zoo Train 21,” a reimagining of Herb’s original composition “Zoo Train,” which appeared on his 2014 album “In the Mood.”

Lani’s new CD is called “Seasons of Love.”

She says the album demonstrates how she has “come full circle and bridges two distinct phases in her career.” Emotionally and thematically, “Seasons of Love” reflects the depth and breadth of Lani and Herb’s 49 years as marriage partners and artistic collaborators. 

The first part of her musical journey stretches from 1972 to 1998, which largely encompasses her solo career when she released a dozen albums.

The second highlights her achievements in the 21st century which include co-producing and singing on three LPs with her husband, Herb. 

We last saw the two at Pepperdine a few years back, and watching them perform together was nothing less than majestic. 

Also, in recent years, Lani and Herb released the award-winning “Steppin’ Out.”

But her story began years before when she was singing for Sergio Mendez and Brazil ’66.

Lani told The Malibu Seen exclusively, “I was singing with Brazil 66 and was new to Los Angeles when I met Herb. He became the love of my life, and a collaboration came to life.”

On her latest creation, she sings “Sorri” (Smile) in flawless Portuguese. The song is a plea to the heartbroken to keep on going despite their tears. Other tracks include “No Te Vayas No,” “Here Comes the Sun,” and “Lovely Day.” She adds, “I picked songs that were my favorites.

I wanted the album to be about how powerful love is. And that’s what led me to choose these beautiful songs.”

The talented couple’s ambitious 2022 tour takes place at venues throughout the US and Canada with a series of sold-out shows at the iconic and intimate Ronnie Scott’s in London, UK.

To be sure, their performances will be full of heart and soul. Her release of “Seasons of Love” features Herb alongside.

To top it all off, she dedicates the album to her dear hubby, saying, “This music would not have happened without Herb’s vision and dedication. He is my inspiration. My dream has come true, and I thank you, my love, for creating this experience. 

It has been deeply moving on many levels, and I am grateful. Thank you, Herb, for this precious gift.”

It looks like through thick and thin, their love conquers all. 

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Malibu power couple Herb Alpert and Lani Hall are always in perfect harmony. Photo courtesy Herb Alpert.