LA County addresses water shortage

Photo illustration. By Samantha Bravo/TMT.

As expected, Los Angeles County Waterworks District 29, which services Malibu, is implementing a two-day-a-week watering restriction. The cutbacks aimed at reducing the state’s severe water shortage go into effect immediately and affect all LACO Waterworks districts. 

Effective immediately, residential, even numbered street addresses may only run outdoor watering on Tuesdays and Fridays. Residential odd numbered street addresses may water Mondays and Thursdays. Commercial customers may water Mondays and Fridays. In addition, outdoor watering is only allowed between the hours 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

No watering is allowed during daylight hours. Outdoor watering should not last more than ten minutes. No outdoor watering is allowed Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday. No water runoff is allowed, or penalties may accrue. Potable water may not be used to wash sidewalks. Hoses must have an automatic shut-off nozzle for car washing and outdoor hand watering of plants and trees.