Letter to The Editor: Malibu Farmers Market at Legacy Park Dilemma


Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep appreciation for the Malibu Farmers Market, a cherished community institution that brings joy and a sense of togetherness to our beautiful city. As a devoted attendee of this weekly gathering, I was heartened to witness the overwhelming support it received at the recent city council meeting. The market, situated at Legacy Park, not only provides access to fresh, locally sourced produce but also embodies the essence of Malibu living — the enjoyment of the outdoors and the invigorating fresh air.

However, it appears that Deb Bianco, the Executive Director of the Market has taken a confrontational stance by openly criticizing the City Manager for alleged shortcomings in not responding to emails, her lack of planning and follow-through regarding the request for a RFP. Such an approach appears more like a tantrum than a constructive solution.

What concerns me most is that this controversy reflects negatively on the dedicated vendors and volunteers who work tirelessly to make the market a success. Instead of joining Deb in what appears to be a divisive stance, I believe it would be more beneficial for all parties involved to come together and collaborate in the best interests of the Malibu Farmers Market.

It is imperative that Deb Bianco, as a representative of the Cornucopia Foundation, takes a more constructive approach. Addressing any concerns or issues within the organization, such as financial transparency and legal compliance, should be a top priority. By working together with her fellow vendors and community members, a resolution that ensures the long-term security of the farmers market can be achieved.

It is my hope that we can avoid further division and foster a spirit of cooperation among all stakeholders. Blaming the city for all setbacks will not lead us toward a solution; it is through collective effort that we can secure the blessings that the market brings to our beautiful city.

Jill Salisbury, Malibu