Letter to The Editor: Malibu Coalition For Slow Growth


Dear Editor,

I write as Co-Founder of the Malibu Coalition for Slow Growth, a thirty-one-year-old organization that is dedicated to working for the preservation of Malibu’s small town character, natural environment, and rural ambiance.

We are proud to support Bill Sampson and Ryan Embree for Malibu City Council. In looking over the field of candidates, they are the two candidates that have the maturity, experience, and best qualifications to serve on the Council. They are passionate in protecting the Malibu we all love.

They will allow development that meets the land use policies and ordinances that are in place and will support variances from these codes only when truly needed. For far too long, the City Council has looked the other way and allowed speculators to develop in a manner that doesn’t meet our codes by giving out variances like Halloween candy. 

This behavior has not served the best interests of the residents. The Council approved commercial establishments which are too large for the land they occupy and hence do not meet the code parking requirements. The result is gridlock along PCH and the Civic Center, making it difficult for residents to find parking and move around these parts of the city.

Both Ryan and Bill are dedicated to putting residents’ needs over that of developers. For far too long, it has been the other way around, resulting in the gradual destruction of Malibu’s Quality of Life.  

Please vote for Bill Sampson and Ryan Embee, who will preserve all that is so very special about Malibu.

Patt Healy, Co-Founder Malibu Coalition for Slow Growth