Run Malibu’s Grom Race delights children and families
“Breathe in! Say aah! To let your breath out! Breathe like warriors!” Sidney Strabola, founder of Veritas Yoga in Malibu, encouraged the approximately 85 energetic and excited children, aged 4-10, who gathered on Oct. 12 at Malibu High School football field to participate in Run Malibu’s Grom race. “Breathe and stretch! Make a teepee with your feet and imagine that your feet are growing into the Earth.” Wiggling and giggling, even the youngest ones delightedly participated in the pre-event exercises.
Then, they were off running down the track, some grinning widely and waving at parents, others with determined looks on their faces evincing that they were concentrating and striving to succeed, yet others holding hands with one another, thoroughly enjoying the gorgeous Malibu day.
All were joyous as they rounded the first curve.
Their aim: to run four times around the large track.
As they raced along, little Decker Spiegel, 3, quickly stopped to hug her dad, Josh, and, then, like lightning, she continued on. Moms with strollers joined wee ones, tenderly encouraging them not to quit the race, and families on the sidelines waved signs and shouted words of encouragement. “Go Webster!” one group shouted, referring to one of Malibu’s elementary schools. “Go Malibu Elementary!” parents from the community’s other public elementary school retorted. Waving a sign saying, “Run like the Wind, Sienna!!” and shouting “Go Sienna!” the parents and family of one of the runners who represented Our Lady of Malibu School, Sienna Malibu Amini encouraged the little participant to carry on.
The contestants kept running … and running … and running.
As they rounded the track in their final lap, it was a sprint to the end, and families encouraged everyone to complete the race.
At the finish line — a fun surprise!
“I am bubble-fying the race!” announced Malibuite Chris Wizner, who along with his crew, sported bubble machines and bubble guns that generated an enormous number of bubbles. “These huge bubbles add to all the fun!,” Wizner called out as children gleefully played with the bubbles, which provided the perfect way to end a fun race.

“Everyone crushed it today!” announced Kasey Earnest, chief professional officer of the Malibu Boys & Girls Club, which was a beneficiary of proceeds of the competition.
All racers were awarded a medal at the finish line because, at such young ages, it’s not about winning so much as it is about participating.
However, The Malibu Times did spot the winner: Lyle Sokoloff, 10, a fifth-grader at Webster. A bit out of breath but sporting an expression that evinced he was delighted that he won, Sokoloff simply declared, “I really liked doing that!”
Agreeing wholeheartedly, little Sienna Amini said, “It was really fun to race for fun with so many other kids in my first Run Malibu Kids Run — I loved getting a medal at the end, and having lots of my family there to cheer me on.”
Indeed, Amini had an entourage of cousins and Hippolyte Kuhn, her very proud grandpa, who were visiting all the wayfrom Switzerland.
Speaking with translation help from Sienna’s mom, Eveline Amini, Kuhn said, “To see my granddaughter in such an event brings tears of joy — we don’t have races like this in Switzerland — it’s wonderful that all the kids join in!”
Agreeing, another very proud grandpa, Paul “Pops” Spiegel, declared, “It’s so wonderful to see the kids out there andI’m very proud of my granddaughter completing the last lap.” Indeed, that was quite the accomplishment when one considers that little Decker is, after all, only 3!
The Run Malibu expo included a group of vendors offering energy hydration drinks, healthy treats and running gear.
“I really like this expo’s vibe with all the grass on the high school field!” said Blue Benadum, co-organizer of Run Malibu. The expo provided a perfect opportunity for families who share a passion for the outdoors to gather and for even the youngest of Malibuites to learn that whether on a high school track or in life, it’s not always about winning. Rather, it’s all about how you run the race.