Commissioner John Mazza expressed his concerns with not being able to address items not on the agenda
The reorganization of the chair and vice chair positions was the first item addressed at the Planning Commission meeting on Monday, Sept. 16.
Drew Leonard was elected as chair, and Dennis Robert Smith was elected as vice chair. Commissioner Kraig Hill nominated himself and John Mazza seconded, but Smith won by a 3-2 vote.

Mazza wanted to discuss an item that was not on the agenda and Commissioner Skylar Peak asked the Assistant City Attorney Kellan Martz and Interim Planning Director Maureen Tamuri if they are able to add permits to the agenda.
Despite not being chair, Mazza kept interrupting Martz at the meeting. Martz reminded Mazza about the Brown Act, and not being able to address items that are not on the agenda. Mazza was frustrated with not being able to ask about items not on the agenda. Leonard told Mazza to send city staff an email about any questions.
The commission moved on to new items and motioned to grant a one-year time extension of Coastal Development Permit for Permit No. 18-032 and No. 20-031. The motion carried.
The commission approved Coastal Development Permit Amendment No. 24-001 and Demolition Permit No. 24-036; an application to amend Coastal Development Permit No. 14-058 to allow construction of three new 4,000-gallon water storage tanks, a new water well to serve landscape and equestrian uses, and demolition and reconstruction of an existing retaining wall. Motion passed 4-1.
The commission approved Coastal Development Permit Amendment No. 24-004; an application to amend Coastal Development Permit No. 20-008 for new landscaping and site improvements.
After a break, the commission approved Coastal Development Permit No. 23-067, Variance No. 24-008, and Code Violation No. 23- 092. The application was for the construction of a new one-story, single-family residence with an attached two-car garage and attached second unit, onsite wastewater treatment system, driveway, hardscaping, pool, patio decks, and landscaping; including a variance for the required hammerhead turnaround and the fuel modification to encroach into the Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area and it’s 100-foot buffer.
The meeting ended in less than three hours. The next Planning Commission meeting is on Monday, Oct. 7, at the Council Chambers at City Hall.