Discussion on Next Week’s City Council meeting May 9


Discussion on Next Week’s City Council on Monday May 9 at Malibu City Hall.

  1. Ceremonial Presentations: none.

New Items: 

  • Findings to Hold Virtual City Council, Commission, Committee, Board and other city bodies, meeting Under AB 36. Recommend action: Consider a motion to reaffirm Resolution No. 22-15, re- authorizing remote teleconferencing/virtual meetings pursuant to AB 361.
  • Award Malibu Bluffs Park Shade Structure Project. Recommended Action: 1) Authorize the Mayor to execute a construction contract with Western State Builders, Inc. in the amount $55,901 for the Malibu Bluffs Park Shade Structure Project, Specification No. 2093; 2) Authorize the Public Works Director to approve potential change orders up to 15% of contract; and 3) Adopt Resolution No. 22- 14 approving the blanket authority to file applications for grant funds from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for Measure A Funding.
  • Los Angeles County Measure R Transportation Funding Agreement. Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute the Measure R Funding Agreement for the Pacific Coast Highway Intersection Improvements – Trancas Canyon Road Project.
  • Professional Services Agreement with Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. dba CR Associates. Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute Professional Services Agreement with Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. dba CR Associates for engineering design services for the Pacific Coast Highway Intersection Improvements – Trancas Canyon Road in an amount of $155,940.62.
  • Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc: Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to executed Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $165,750 for a total not to exceed $2,943,010 for additional assistance during bidding and construction phases and extending the term of the agreement for the Pacific Coast Highway Signal Synchronization Project
  • Award Michael Landon Center HVAC Unit Replacement Project. Recommended Action: 1) Authorize the Mayor to execute a construction contract with AC Pros, Inc. in the amount $24,900 for the Michael Landon Center Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Unit Replacement Project, Specification No. 2095; and 2) Authorize the Public Works Director to approve potential change orders up to 15% of contract.
  • Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with SDI Presence. Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with SDI Presence LLC.

Ordinances and Public Hearings:

  1. Adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 499U (Day-Use Impound Yard). Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 499U amending Malibu Municipal Code Section 17.68.040 (Temporary Uses Requiring Permit) to allow for a temporary day-use impound yard, subject to a temporary use permit, during the summer. To read the rest of the action, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.
  2. Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 21-06 (33386 Pacific Coast Highway; Appellant/Property Owner:180 PCH, LLC) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 22-16, determining the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, Denying Appeal No. 21-017 and denying Coastal Development Permit No. 14-073 to construct a new 2,825-square foot, two-story, single- family residence, including a 483-square foot attached two-car garage, rooftop deck, swimming pool, spa and associated equipment, barbeque, outdoor fireplace, retaining walls, hardscaping, grading, and installation of a new alternative onsite wastewater treatment system, and denying Variance. To read the rest of the action, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.
  3. Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 21-07 (33398 Pacific Coast Highway; Appellant/Property Owner:180 PCH, LLC). Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 22-17, determining the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, Denying Appeal No. 21-018 and denying Coastal Development Permit No. 14-073 to construct a new 2,825-square foot, two-story, single- family residence, including a 483-square foot attached two-car garage, rooftop deck, swimming pool, spa and associated equipment, barbeque, outdoor fireplace, retaining walls, hardscaping, grading, and installation of a new alternative onsite wastewater treatment system, and denying Variance.To read the rest of the action, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.

Old Business: 

  • None.

New Business:

  • None.

Council Items:

  1. 2022-2023 Harry Barovsky Memorial Youth Commission Appointments. Recommended Action: Appoint Commissioners to the 2022-2023 Harry Barovsky Memorial Youth Commission.