Discussion on Next Week’s City Council | March 25



  1. Recognition of Environmental Sustainability Director Yolanda Bundy’s receipt of the Los Angeles Basin Section Supervisor of the Year Award from the California Water Environment Association.
  2. Los Angeles County Fire Brigade Program Update

New Items: 

  1. Mayors’ Monarch Pledge. Recommended Action: 1) Authorize Mayor Uhring to sign the National Wildlife Federation Mayors’ Monarch Pledge, renewing the City’s commitment to save the monarch butterfly; and 2) Direct staff to implement measures to meet the commitments of the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge in support of monarch and pollinator conservation in the Malibu community.
  2. Trancas Canyon Park Playground Resurfacing Project. Recommended Action: 1) Approve the award and authorize the Mayor to execute a construction contract with Robertson Industries, Inc. in the amount of $197,151.31 for the construction of the Trancas Canyon Park Playground Resurfacing, Specification No. 2109; and 2) Authorize the Public Works Director to approve any potential change orders up to 15 percent of the contract amount.
  3. Proposed Advocacy for Changes to the California State Vehicle Code to Deter Excessive Speeding on PCH. Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution No. 24-14 advocating for changes to the California State Vehicle Code and requesting State and County officials work collaboratively to increase safety on Pacific Coast Highway, and 2) Authorize the City Manager to send a letter to named officials in the resolution along with the resolution to advocate for these changes.
  4. Investment Report for the Month Ending February 29, 2024. 
  5. Townsend Public Affairs Inc. Grant Writing Services Report.

Ordinances and Public Hearings:

  1. Ordinance No. 516 to Amend Malibu Municipal Code 2.04.030 and Modify the Official Holidays of the City of Malibu.
  2. Amendment to Malibu Municipal Code Chapters 15.40, 15.42, and 15.44 To Requires Additional OWTS Requirements for Home Occupation Uses that Place Additional Strain on the OWTS.
  3. Updated Developer Fee Program for the Benefit of the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County.
  4. Appeal No. 23-004 – Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-24 (22959 Pacific Coast Highway; Appellant: Malibu Township Council; Applicant: Burdge and Associates Architects, Inc.; Property Owner: Surfrider Plaza, LLC).

Council Items: 

  1. Council Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Recommended Action: Councilmember Riggins may make a new appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission.

To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.