Letter: Say Hello

Letter to the Editor

In response to “Guest Editorial: The Passing Hello” published on Aug. 17, 2017.

How we appreciated Jo Giese’s guest editorial in the Aug. 17 edition of The Malibu Times: “The Passing Hello.” What an easy and simple idea just to say “Hello” to everyone you pass. It would add a friendly, positive tone to our city that is sorely needed to countervail the anger and angst that seems to be a part of our times. If you have not read it, I would suggest you do. It is such a refreshing and easy idea to help our community. Find the paper or look it up in The Malibu Times online. All the uptight pessimists and skeptics should try it, too. It will lighten their gloomy day and they will see how a simple idea can bring warmth to strangers.

In addition, Jo again certainly adds so much to our community. Every time we drive to the Civic Center, we are reminded of Jo’s hardwork and efforts with the Green Machine that brought us the wonderful plantings on Pacific Coast Highway. It has made our community so much nicer. Now she has another wonderful idea: The passing hello.

Barbara and Ken Kearsley