Run, Lifeguards, Run

Dick Haddock (bottom row, third from the left) and the competitors.

Lifeguards from Zuma and Pt. Mugu beaches competed in the annual Dick Haddock Run-Swim-Run race on Aug. 24. The race started at Zuma Beach Lifeguard Headquarters and ended at Paradise Cove. 

The race, created by retired Zuma Lt. Lifeguard Dick Haddock, has been around since the early 1980s. Competitors swim around the Baywatch mooring buoy at the Zuma headquarters building, run to Point Dume Headlands, swim around the headland, run past the Big and Little Dume beaches, swim around Little Dume’s “Gully” buoy, run to Paradise Cove and, finally, swim to the last buoy. 

This year’s winner was Malibu’s Thomas Ryan, a Zuma Beach lifeguard. Ryan received a gift certificate to Paradise Cove Beach Cafe and a handcrafted ceramic mug.