Letter: Affordable Options

Letter to the Editor

There is a good reason for me to vote against Measure W on Nov. 3. While the park concept is great, Malibu already has, what I consider to be, the best health food market — Pacific Coast Greens.

I don’t think Whole Foods can better what Michael Osterman and his family have established in this town over the past 22 years with P.C. Greens. Whole Foods won’t even carry raw milk products, as I’ve proved to myself from experience that raw milk is the only truly healthy milk. P.C. Greens carries raw milk from three dairies.

I’ve lived in Malibu for 40 years and retired after 23 years of working at Ralphs (and Hughes Market, as it was previously). 

The Generation X and Millennials who have, since the 1980s, invaded Malibu with their children, golf carts and bounteous entertainment industry-bestowed paychecks are terrified of brick-and-mortar businesses coming to the city. Of course, they can afford to order anything and everything over the Internet.

But there are still people who live within the 27 miles of Malibu who want to shop for items at chain stores with middle-class prices without having to travel to Santa Monica or Westside Pavilion.

A Macy’s, Best Buy or J.C. Penney store in Malibu wouldn’t increase tourists, for why would tourists come to Malibu to buy house wares and appliances? But, boy, would that make things convenient for us residents who aren’t millionaires. 

Dennis Keith Klopp