Letter: Shopping Center Surplus

Letter to the Editor

Before you vote on Measure W, be sure to carefully read what you are voting for. These are the words that are on the ballot:

“Shall an ordinance be adopted approving the Civic Center-Northeast Specific Plan for property located at the northwest corner of Cross Creek and Civic Center Way that regulates development and limits uses to allow construction of a commercial shopping center up to 38,425 square feet, proposed to include a grocery store, retail and recreational/educational uses.”

Be clear that you will be voting for a shopping center, which will be built next to the 130,000 sq. ft. La Paz shopping center that has already been approved by our City Council. This is next to the site for the new Santa Monica College, which is next to the 85,000 sq. ft. Malibu Bay Company proposed commercial development site.  

I don’t see any mention of Whole Foods or a park on my ballot, do you?  The developers want you to think this is a referendum about building a Whole Foods and a park in Malibu. Don’t be fooled. These developers — who do not live in Malibu — want to make millions and will say anything to accomplish this, no matter how it may affect people who do live in Malibu. How many more shopping centers do we need? How much traffic can we bear? Do we want to completely pave over our Civic Center? Please vote “no” on Measure W.

Carla McCloskey