Letter: Those Who Speak Up

Letter to the Editor

The “faces of Measure R” are a group Arnold York calls the “coterie of people who are almost pathologically angry about just about everything.” Former Mayor Jeff Jennings refers to these faces as “The Coalition of the Disaffected.” There are some nice people and some of my friends who support Measure R, but why aren’t the reasonable people stepping up and having a meaningful discussion about the pros and cons of Measure R? 

The reasonable people aren’t vocal and they have left their messaging to the group I am going to name “Always Angry Rouge Group” (AARG). These are the folks who scream and yell at City Council meetings, have been escorted out by the sheriff, who have tried to stop the Chili Cook-Off and who have never won an election. The real issues of Measure R are buried in the $300k campaign whose screaming messengers have clouded some real discussion points. 

Putting development projects on a ballot seems like a good idea. No one wants big development in the city. I have personally fought it for the 30 years I have been here. Measure R will push all discussions into back rooms without rules and bypasses representational democracy. 

What about when a developer/ property owner loses the vote and takes the City of Malibu to court? Lawyers, judges and settlements will dictate what gets built — not us. How many people remember why there are so many condos over by Lunita? That was the result of a property owner/ bank, being taken to court. 

Please read Measure R very carefully before you vote and try to figure out exactly who and how these land use plans are going to go forward. Who is going to be responsible for deciding on all the amenities for our city? AARG? Please read and discuss how easily a developer whose project loses an election will sue the city and that will most certainly cost the city millions and lead to land use decisions being part of a courtroom settlement. 

Our voices will never be heard if Measure R passes. 

Laureen Sills