Photos: Limitless Possibilities

Shina Parnett sings and dances with joyful abandon during the Hand in Hand Community Fair.

A large crowd joined the festivities at the first annual Hand in Hand Community Fair at the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue on Sunday. Activities included face painting, arts and crafts, story time, a petting zoo, as well as live performances. The community event was hosted by Hand in Hand and sponsored by Malibu Special Education Foundation, the Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue, and the City of Malibu to name a few, in hopes to create an event where people could come together and celebrate no matter what their abilities may be. Pepperdine Students, Step By Step EduPlay, Shane’s Inspiration, Malibu High School Best Buddies, Golden Heart Ranch and Rosie’s Foundation were among those hosting activity tables. The Hand in Hand program meets Thursday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. For more information call 310.456.2178.