Lauds Trancas plan


    (Re: Trancas Canyon Park land acquisition.) I am very pleased that the City is acquiring this land for recreation purposes again.

    You may not be aware that in the mid-1960’s when Malibu West was newly built that we had a fully improved baseball, football, basketball and archery sports facility on this property which was utilized by the Malibu community, Little League baseball, YMCA flag football and basketball leagues. The facilities were constructed at a cost of under $5,000 obtained from private donations, willing labor provided primarily by Malibu West residents and from a group of contractors, i.e. landscape and irrigation, fencing and paving contractors and suppliers from developments I was building in Ventura County. I participated in coordination and supervising the activities for construction.

    The primary organizer was Jerry Milton who was an insurance executive and a World War II marine. The field was built and dedicated to honor Sgt. Alfred A. Kaspal a highly decorated marine, and the son of Dr. and Mrs. Kaspal of Malibu West, who was killed in action in Viet Nam. The Commandant and the band of the marine base at Camp Pendleton participated in the dedication ceremonies.

    The facilities were fully functional and maintained by Malibu West volunteers and remained in use for several years. We hope the new facilities will become as beneficial to the community.

    Charles Coutts