Letter: Best of the Bunch

Letter to the Editor

We’re fortunate to have six strong candidates for city council. In our view, one stands out. We wholeheartedly urge you to vote for Jennifer deNicola. She’s a proven problem solver whose priorities are the safety of our roads, the safety of our schools, the safety of our infrastructure, and putting Measure R into effect.

We saw firsthand how deNicola is hardworking, fiscally responsible, and data-driven when she stepped up to organize the successful actions that are protecting the health of our children and teachers when others said nothing could be done about the toxins at Malibu schools.

Jennifer deNicola is a good listener who does her homework and brings people together to solve problems collaboratively. She lives on PCH and she’s the one candidate you can believe will do whatever it takes to stop the strangling of PCH. Until that happens, she says, “All commercial development is off the table.” Candidates say what voters want to hear, but only one candidate has proven that she’s not just talk. Jennifer deNicola gets things done!

Ron & Cindy Vandor