Letter: Doggone Tactless

Letter to the Editor

What has happened here?

Saturday morning, early, I go out in my car on the highway and am shocked to see a very disturbing sight!

Some political candidates took it upon themselves to place 37 “Elect Me” signs on the northbound side of the highway between the “Welcome to Malibu” sign and Tuna Canyon!

These flimsy and obnoxious signs are not only an eyesore to all but already breaking apart and blowing down onto the highway!

As a 40-year local, I am blown away at the measures to distract every northbound driver cruising through our beautiful town.

To me, this seems like an obnoxious form of pollution or littering, as one cannot avoid seeing the 37 signs crammed into 300 yards of highway!

It’s a doggone tactless disgrace that needs to be noted. My neighbors and I are all wondering the same thing: “WTF” is this and what community allows such an annoyance?

I know we are in election year, but come on. Use some better judgement and placement.

Maybe we highway dwellers should hang our laundry and not return our trash cans, as certainly these obnoxious signs are in the process of making themselves part of the littering problems after these first rains and winds.

But who wins?

Can we ticket the candidates?

Community — speak up and let’s not turn Malibu into rickety acres!

Jason Ventress