Juan Cabrillo Hosts Malibu Elementary Student String Concert

Bonnie Lockrem speaks to the beginning and advanced string students at a Winter Informance.

Juan Cabrillo Elementary School hosted all of the beginning and advanced string students in the fourth and fifth grades for a Winter Informance. Webster, Point Dume Marine Science and Juan Cabrillo schools were all present for the event, which was led by Bruce Tellier and Bonnie Lockrem. More than 60 beginners and 30 advanced string students performed. 

The audience was filled with approximately 200 of the students’ peers, parents and family members. The musical event included assessment and Common Core reflections, and showed how successful the pilot program of having strings winds and chorus taught separately has been this year.

On Nov. 20 at 6:30 p.m., the chorus for each Malibu elementary school will perform at Juan Cabrillo.Â