Going green for Earth Day


Several events are on tap in preparation for Earth Day, which is next Friday, April 22. This Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., trucks will be parked in the parking lot above the new City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road for residents to dispose of items that are difficult to recycle. The city will be taking such items as household batteries, computers, printers, cellphones and other hard-to-recycle products. The city will also be taking used oil and paint, as well as up to 25 boxes of old records (receipts, invoices, credit card statements, etc.) for shredding and recycling. For a complete list of E-Waste items available for recycling, check the city’s website or go to http://www.malibucity.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/detail/navid/88/cid/13767/