Paradise lost


There is a beautiful earthly paradise of flowers, plants, farm animals and incomparable rustic charm that has nurtured western Malibu for decades. With chickens and bunnies scurrying underfoot, strolling the flower scented paths with a fresh ocean breeze while shopping for home and garden has always been a pleasure at the Trancas Canyon Nursery, formerly The Malibu Garden Center.

Sadly, this precious haven will be completely destroyed to create a staging area for the construction of the Trancas Country Market. The owners have been given 90 days to get out. With all the acreage involved, this has to be the staging area? Isn’t it ironic that this wonderful expression of rural life must be bulldozed to create a “country” market. I guess this is what progress looks like in western Malibu. The most tragic thing of all is that this is so unnecessary. With a little sensitivity this little jewel could be saved. Next time a developer tells you he cares about the neighborhood, start getting nervous.

Steve Rucker