Council Voices On Sanctuary Issue – MHS To Get 2-Story Shipping Container Classrooms – Farmers Mkt Does’t Want To Yield One Inch For Construction


Malibu is now a sanctuary city …. no city funds to help the Trump crackdown on foreigners.

Is the Farmer’s Market threatened ???? No  … says the county.  

But the Market’s director doesn’t want to give up one inch.

A 2-story classroom building is planned for Malibu High … to be built out of shipping containers. 


This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  Tuesday  ))) edition … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


Good morning Malibu!


Malibu is a sanctuary city.

By a 3-2 vote last night … the Malibu City Council agreed with actor Martin Sheen … who suggested last December that Malibu join cities large and small and declare itself a sanctuary city.

To some in the audience … it was a vote to stick the city’s thumb in the eye of the president of the United States. 

To others … they had seen video of a little girl sobbing in the back of a car … going to school until her papi was yanked by La Migra and arrested … her family and her world broken.

The city council vote states the city cannot assist the federal government enforce immigration laws.

Since Malibu gets less than 50 thousand dollars a year in federal funds … the financial stakes are not great. 

Vocal sanctuary opponent on the city council … Rick Mullen … said the small financial stake … and the fact the Malibu does not have a police force … shows the sanctuary city move is merely a political ploy.

MULLEN SANC AAAA  :34 QQQ: that is what is being asked here.

QUOTE: “I think that’s what this is all about.  

“If we were Poughkeepsie, New York, this would not make the evening news. 

“But when you have a small town with worldwide name recognition, that makes the news.

“And that’s what is being asked for here.

“They’re asking to put the stamp of our town on a national issue, for essentially public relations, propaganda, support a political position.”

But the council majority said they were concerned by reports that 80 students in Malibu’s public schools are either in the country without legal permission … or are children of people in the

country without legal permission.

Skylar Peak.

PEAK SANC AAA :11   QQQ: 2 or 3 years old. 

“What happens when a student … who is in one of our schools and is 15 years old .. and his parents get sent home for having been brought to our country when you were two or three years old???”

Mayor Lou La Monte … who also voted for the measure … agreed …  it was only symbolic.

But that’s important.

LAMONTE SANC AAAA :20 QQQ: a symbolic action.

“The last council meeting we had, we gave $5,000 for a monument to the Japanese people that were forced into Manzanar. 

“And I’m concerned about something like that happening again, so maybe it is time to make a symbolic action.” 

But city councilman Jefferson Wagner argued that the county sheriff … who is hired by the city of Malibu to be its police department … already has policies against helping federal immigration efforts. 

WAGNER SANC AAAA :08 QQQ: something I would support. 

“I believe right now at this city level to make an emotional appeal like this is not 

something I would support.”

City councilwoman Laura Rosenthal authored the simple measure. 

And she called for courage … from her fellow council members … courage to take a stand on a federal matter because it is important to Malibu.

ROSENTHAL SANC AAAA :32 QQQQ: will be protected here. 

“We voted a few meetings ago on the Dakota pipeline, that’s not in Malibu either.

“But we took a stand about that because we felt that it was important – it’s a time to have courage to show the people that come here, and the people that live here, and the people the young people especially who go to school here, that they will be protected here.”

The city receives less than $50,000 in federal funds each year, making the possible financial consequences minor.

The final vote in Malibu … in favor … La Monte, Peak and Rosenthal.

Against … Mullen and Wagner.

And yesterday …. across the country …. nearly 300 law professors signed a letter sent to the White House … that that asserts President Trump’s threat to pull federal funding from so-called “sanctuary cities” is unconstitutional.

And in Sacramento … a bill is advancing in the state Senate that would make the entire state of California a sanctuary. 

It would ban local police and sheriffs from arresting or detaining people for federal immigration status violations … unless there is a different crime or a warrant from a judge.


Earlier in the evening … the city council heard from dozens of Malibu residents … concerned that the Malibu Farmers Market has not reached an agreement with L-A County over continued operations. 

And Santa Monica College officials appeared before the Malibu City Council last night …. to repeat their commitment to keep the Malibu Farmers Market functioning in the midst of a gigantic demolition, repaving and construction project. 

LA County is the landlord at the Civic Center … where Santa Monica College is about to start construction on a new Malibu Campus. 

A whole troupe of college officials told the Malibu City Council last night that they have plans to work around the Farmers Market … but the Farmers market would have to be flexible during the undertaking. 

The woman who runs the Farmers Market for the Cornucopia Foundation … Debra Bianco … told the city council that there would be a terrible impact on the market if it loses any space to construction staf=ging . 

DEBRA BIANCO AAAA :09  Q:  not take an inch away.

QUOTE: “How mmuch money could it cost to stage it properly, safely, and not take an inch away.


College construction official Don Girard tells KBUU News that there is enough room for the construction and farmers Market to share. 

DON GIRARD AAAA :14 QQQ: be enough parking. 

“I don’t think it will be a problem because I think all the vendors will have a place to sell.  

I don’t think it will be a problem because, almost at all times, there will be enough parking.”

Dozens of people spoke last night … urging the Malibu city council to protect the Farmers Market. 

But the county officials say intransigence on the part of the market operator is the real issue …. with the county merely planning to move around the market and its parking … while the parking lot and the rest of the complex is rebuilt. 


In other city council news …. action was postponed on the proposed hotel valet parking ordinance.

It would allow hotels like the Malibu Beach Inn to fill in their parking lot with a swimming pool …. and move their parking spaces across P C H and down the highway … it was continued for a month.


And if the sound bites from Lou La Monte and Skylar Peak sounded a little bit weird … they were.

La Monte was attending a National League of Cities meeting in a snowbound Washington D-C.

And Skylar Peak called in from the other side of the globe.

He interrupted his honeymoon …. in the Marshall Islands  … in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 

When they meeting began last night at 6:30 in Malibu … it was 1:30 in the afternoon the next day in the Marshall Islands.

Perhaps that is one clever way to avoid city council meetings that drone on past midnight. 


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


Santa Monica school district officials are proposing a big change to the blueprints at Malibu High. 

They say the old junior high classrooms on the east side of campus … Building E … should be torn down and replaced with a two story structure. 

And the new building should be made of recycled shipping containers … cheap and fast. 

The school district last weekend unveiled some rough drawings of the proposed two story structure.

The district says the change will be minor in nature. …. and therefore does not have to go before the city Planning Commission or City Council for approval. 

Nevertheless … the school district will hold a public workshop on the changes … with the Malibu City Council in two weeks.

And in two days … the school board will hold a meeting at Malibu City Hall to discuss the building changes. 

A major issue may become the unusual shipping container nature of the proposed two-story structure. 

Does that fit in with the current campus …. and the traditional non-urban atmosphere of western Malibu????

The school board meeting is this Thursday night at 6:30 … during the board’s regular session. 

Also on the agenda … discussions on the divorce agreement between Santa Monica and Malibu. 


In Los Angeles today…. jurors will begin deliberating today in the retrial of former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca.

The former top cop for Malibu and the rest of the county is accused of orchestrating a scheme to thwart an FBI investigation into inmate mistreatment in the jails he ran … and of lying to the feds. 

There was nine days of testimony and more than a dozen witnesses in the federal court trial.

This is the second trial for ex-sheriff Baca on the charges …. the first one ended wiht a jury deadlock. 


National Park visitation is up … from Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon to …. to Bonsall Drive in Malibu’s Zuma Canyon. 

New statistics from the N-P-S show that In 2016, the National Park Service set a record for recreation visits for the third year in a row.

NPS units received nearly 331 million recreation visits, breaking 2015’s record by 23.7 million visits.

Here in Malibu and the mountains …  the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area is a unit of the National Park Service, 

And our backyard national park pegged a huge record as well.

Rangers estimate a total of 907 thousand visitor trips to the local mountain park last year, 

That’s up .. way up .. from 797 thousand the year before. 

That;s an 18 percent increase in park usage this past year … in the national park unit that Malibu residents call home. 


Traffic … in 75 seconds


First … Weather for the Malibu ….

Visibility in dense fog will be reduced to one-quarter mile or less through this morning. Local visibility will be reduced to several hundred feet at times. 

Dense fog could linger near the beaches through much of the day.

It will be ((((   69  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   86   )))) inland. 

Winds will be gentle. 

Downcoast winds will be   (((   10  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   7 o’clock straight   )))).

After that … expect (((  patchy dense fog  )))) tonight … a low of  ((((   51  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   54  )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((     a little less foggy but much the same. )))).

At 8:53 a-m … it’s ((((    64   )))) at Trancas.

((((     56    )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((   68   ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((    58    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  1 to 3  )))) feet high …. 

((((   There’s a small remnant WNW swell. 

And a small, new SW swell builds. )))) 

Those are ((((  poor to fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((    High tide is at 11:18 this morning …. 4 and a half feet.

Low tide is at 5:25.

Then .. a 4-point-7 foot high tide at 11:40 P-M   ))))


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