FEMA Flood Map Review Meeting Scheduled

Malibu City Hall

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, better known as FEMA, has scheduled a public meeting to discuss revised floodplain maps along the Malibu coast. The meeting is set to take place Tuesday, Aug. 22, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Malibu City Hall.

The updated flood maps, long awaited by residents, particularly those living along the coast, are expected to have an impact on development and insurance on coastal areas in town.

As described at malibucity.org, the maps are designed to equip residents and businesses with information about flood risks to property around the city, as well as helping developers understand risks when undertaking new building projects.

The meeting will take place two weeks into a 90-day appeal period (running Aug. 9- Nov. 6) during which property owners may challenge FEMA over revised floodplain maps.

“City staff and representatives from FEMA will provide information and discuss the revised draft floodplain maps, the effects these maps will have on development, the need to annually purchase federal flood insurance, the FEMA map adoption process and schedule, and the FEMA appeal process,” a release from the City of Malibu described. “Based on engineering studies that considered tide, wave surge, wave run-up and overtopping analysis, the revised maps propose to remove some properties from the currently effective floodplain map, and add other properties for the first time.”