Letter: Damage is Done

Letter to the Editor

The intent of this letter is to strongly request that our city council not appeal the decision that Measure R is unconstitutional. 

If Rob Reiner and his group want to appeal and pay for everything, then go for it. They got us into this mess, and now they want us to pay to get them out of this mess. They are not to be trusted. They led the Malibu voter to believe that Measure R was legal and prayed that the landowner would not sue. Not only did he sue, but also the decision came back in record time. Reiner hired lawyers that told him what he wanted to hear. 

When Measure R first came on the scene, I went in front of the City Council and asked that Reiner put up a bond for the lawsuit that he would surely lose. I also wrote letters to the newspapers asking for Reiner to indemnify our city when he lost. They assured us that it was very legal and bulletproof. 

One last note — their lawyers were with City Attorney Christi Hogin all the way in the court battle and signed off on all of the legal issues. We must not appeal Measure R and spend good money after bad.

Lloyd Ahern