Letter: Questionable Voting

Letter to the Editor

My wife and I have been sitting here scratching our heads about what Measure W actually means. You cannot find the wording anywhere on the city website, but we thought we ought to examine it, having just received, like everyone else, the slick mailer from Whole Foods asking for support. We have nothing in particular for or against Whole Foods per se — our voting is going to be for anything that might reverse the unfair imposition of additional sewer taxes on old-time residents because of the new plant dictated by the new development. We already pay the county about $2,000 a year for the old county-mandated plant. Our question is: Does a vote against W stop the development or open up a new plan for something worse? Here’s the actual wording:

“Shall an ordinance be adopted approving the Civic Center-Northeast Specific Plan for property located at the northwest corner of Cross Creek and Civic Center Way that regulates development and limits uses to allow construction of a commercial shopping center up to 38,425 square feet, proposed to include a grocery store, retail and recreational/educational uses.”

Christopher Hudson