Letter: Malibu’s Lifeline

Letter to the Editor

Pacific Coast Highway is Malibu’s lifeline.

The New York-based developer Fortress Investment Group and its representative, Steve Soboroff, are pretending that the impact of adding an additional 5,000 to 7,000 cars every day to the already heavy traffic on PCH doesn’t matter.

The City Council (except for Skylar Peak) ignored Malibu traffic experts, including Caltrans, the sheriff’s department, the fire department, Beaches and Harbors, and the L.A. County Lifeguards. 

All agree that Malibu traffic has significantly increased and that the traffic gets worse every day.

The City Council (except for Skylar Peak) even ignored its own Malibu PCH Safety Study that states that building a Whole Foods would increase traffic to dangerous levels.

Five people have already died on PCH this year.

Who will be next? Your son? Your daughter? You?

Imagine beach traffic all day, every day of the week, all year long.

Cross Creek would be solid gridlock; there would be no way to get from Topanga to Zuma. 

Imagine emergency vehicles trying to weave through the gridlock.

Imagine your spouse, your child or yourself riding in an ambulance, unable to get to lifesaving care in Santa Monica. And, most importantly, imagine no escape in an emergency, a wildfire or an earthquake.

In 2014, Malibu voters resoundingly approved Measure R because they could no longer trust their council to listen to their concerns regarding the dangers of overdeveloping Malibu’s Civic Center. 

Vote “no” on Measure W on Nov. 3.

Peter C. Jones