Blare and glare


    Thank you, Travis, for your article. The sky and stars are a beautiful sight to behold.

    If some of the people moving here were doing so because of what Malibu has to offer instead of what changes they can make to remind them of where they used to live, we would have a more peaceful and progressive community.

    The use of lights is getting out of hand. When new homes are approved to be built they should have to submit a lighting plan as well; and it should be limited.

    Because of the Jehovah’s Witness Church in West Malibu with their street light and parking lot lights, we have to keep our curtains closed to sleep at night.

    There are a lot of important issues at stake in Malibu today.

    I see bans and limitations being set but not being followed. Leaf blowers (gasoline) have been banned for at least six years but gardeners and their bosses continue to use them. I’ve seen them up at “Serra Retreat,” Malibu West tract homes, on PCH and on Point Dume.

    This lighting issue is an important one.

    The lights blasting onshore from fishing boats at Point Dume is probably contributing to the seals’ decline at Big Dume. The boasts fish all night, and the lights blare all night and the motors rev all night.

    Lee Ellis