Call of the wild


    With all the complaints and dissatisfaction about living in Malibu, I wonder why these people still live here? Did they not know what to expect beforehand? Did they think they could easily change what they didn’t like? Or did they outgrow Malibu? Maybe, we should have information for those considering living in this community.

    Those of us who live in Malibu for all its rural natural beauty and would love Malibu to stay that way here are some guidelines for newcomers. For those of you who want convenience and more citified beach community you should move to the many shoreline towns that already exist. The following is the lay of the land that you should be aware of before committing to living here in Malibu.

    You are moving into a natural and wild area. We are the guests here. Expect to see and hear coyotes on a regular basis (yes, even the beach side of PCH is not exempt), bobcat, deer, lots and lots of rabbits (to eat your lawn and flowers) and plenty of various rodents. If you are lucky you may get a glimpse of a mountain lion. Rattlesnakes are plentiful at certain times of the year. Many other snakes abound but we need them for rodent control.

    Wild animals belong here but they are an endangerment to your pets and possibly to young children. It is your responsibility to care and protect them. Fences don’t accomplish this because any bobcat can jump a fence and coyotes can dig under them.

    Earthslides, mudslides, road closures and traffic problems.

    High winds and heavy surf and damage that nature can inflict on our property.

    The inconvenience of it all.

    What we do have is incredible beauty of the wildflowers in spring.

    The beaches, the ocean and its inhabitants take center stage.

    Now — Do you really, really, really, want to live in Malibu? If your answer is an impassioned yes! Then come on along the water is fine.

    And for those of you already ensconced here — Love it or leave it.

    Linda Joslynn