The city announced that it would join millions of people in Southern California for the Great ShakeOut’s “Drop, Cover and Hold On” earthquake drill. Malibu City Council announced that Oct. 19 would be “Earthquake Preparedness Day” to encourage local residents, businesses, schools and organizations to participate.
On Oct. 19, Susan Dueñas, Public Safety Manager, will explain the drill and offer information about earthquake preparedness at 9:30 a.m. At 10:19 a.m., staff and visitors will participate in the drill for one minute. Others are encouraged to participate on their own.
Malibu CERT will also have information and sign-ups available for all. The Malibu Chamber of Commerce will have emergency kits for sale as well as emergency preparedness information for local businesses. SOS Survival Products will also have preparedness supplies for purchase.
For more information, visit shakeout.org. For information on the Oct. 19 event, contact Susan Dueñas at 310.456.2489 ext. 313 or email sduenas@malibucity.org.