Letter: Fact Check

Letter to the Editor

Jean Kingman’s letter (“Remediate Vs. Rebuild,” Aug. 21) claims to have found out the facts about construction at Malibu High School (MHS). There are many misstatements in her letter.

First, the current plan to remodel MHS does not seek to remodel most of the classrooms where PCBs have been found. Consequently, if the thrust of the letter is to just let SMMUSD proceed with its building plans and that that will resolve the issue of toxins on campus, that is wrong.

Second, the California Coastal Commission (CCC), as well as Malibu Community Alliance (MCA), have both informed the SMMUSD that they are free to proceed with any remediation efforts they see fit. Since it is common knowledge that neither MCA or the CCC are holding up construction of the buildings, the intentional misinformation campaign attempting to link the lighting issue with remediation is disingenuous at best.

Third, SMMUSD has not pursued any of the options available to it to begin construction, including splitting the buildings from parking lots, which the other parties have already agreed to. Further, as a member of MCA and a proud parent of two MHS graduates, it is shameful to claim it is anti-kid to hold SMMUSD accountable for its failure to be a good neighbor, for its misuse of funds and for its acquiescence to the misguided, non-educational priorities of a few. 

It is unfortunate as well that no mention is made of the SMMUSD’s stubborn rejection of MCA’s efforts to resolve these issues in a reasonable manner and have instead attempted to falsely use the lighting issue as an excuse for the district’s mishandling of the remodeling of MHS.

Cynthia Kesselman