All-Star Baseball Ends

The Malibu Little League All-Star baseball team.

The Malibu Little League’s All-Star baseball team, composed of 10- and 11-year-old players, dropped two games in the District 25 playoffs, but had some standout performances. 

Players Andrew Parks, Aaron Redondo, Johnny Sheridan and Preston Cook all stood out on the diamond. 

Parks went three-for-three at the plate, with two singles and a double during Malibu’s first loss.

Sheridan had a single during the contest. 

Redondo also hit a single during the game. He hit a double in Malibu’s second loss. 

Cook hit a homerun over the centerfield fence during the sixth inning of the season-ending game. 

Coach Steve Parks said all the players had good seasons during the Malibu Little League and gave it their all during the District 25 playoffs.