Planetary Themes for the Month of August

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.


The focus is on deepening emotional connections with family members and making the best use of resources through the 8th. You can be good at problem solving. After the 8th, your dynamic and creative side seeks more active expression. Romance, recreational activities and time with children is favorable.


This is a good time for more personal introspection and reconnecting to your inner needs. If life seems a bit heavy, things can begin to lift and lighten up for you after the 5th. After the 7th, your analytical abilities will help you attain goals. Your work, career and the financial side of life can begin to improve after the 11th. 


Your personal magnetism can take you far through the 6th. Express your ideas and let your playful side shine. After the 7th, you can become more work and goal oriented. You can have a greater vision for your future, but you may not be realistic with the exact steps to take. The fog can begin to lift after the 12th.


As Mars continues to transit your sign until the 8th, you are in a strong cycle for getting your needs met and attracting more support or resources from others. After the 9th, the focus is on expanding self-worth and your value system. Be on the lookout for new money-making opportunities during the second half of July.


If you have been holding back or suppressing your feelings, this will begin to shift positively for you on the 9th when Mars enters your sign. Your personal charm, drive and magnetism can take you far. The only thing to be careful of is coming on too strong or overly confident. If you keep your ego in check, all can be yours.


This is a time for more inner exploration, self-introspection and working behind the scenes. Having fun and recreation is a strong emphasis until the 7th when you move back into your own element. On the 11th, Jupiter moves into your sign for a whole year. You begin a new cycle for expansion, new opportunities and life improvements. 


If family- or work-related responsibilities have been burdening you, this can begin to shift after the 8th. You will seek more freedom. This is also the time to express yourself more socially and make new friends. It may easier for you to become scattered and unorganized this month. Make a daily “to do” list to get things done.


Actively expressing your needs and emotions can expand your mental outlook through the 8th. After the 8th, the focus shifts toward accomplishing your goals and pursuing your ambitions. Your weakness is your rigidity this month. If you can become more adaptable and go with the flow, things might just happen for you. 


Your drive is for the expression of more independence, travel and exploration, and making improvements in your life this month. If you feel like you are dealing with added responsibilities or some emotional burdens, this can begin to shift after the 7th. This is the time for more fun, romance or excitement in your life. 


You remain in a positive cycle for attracting more support or resources from others. You can also dig deeper into life and uncover hidden mysteries about yourself and others. After the 11th, new work or career opportunities can lead to increased earnings. This may involve distant places or dealing with others far away.


Your personal relationships may be on fire this month — especially after the 8th. If you are involved with someone, it can only intensify. If you are alone, there are new opportunities to meet others. Don’t allow the demands of others or their need for incessant attention to neglect your own needs or what is important. 


Continue to connect on a deeper level with significant others in your life through 8th. After the 8th, you may get much busier handling daily tasks or work-related responsibilities. You can also have a lot of pent up energy. This is a good month to start an exercise routine or get more actively involved in sports or recreation.