Publicist Julian Myers, a frequent representative of Malibu residents working in Hollywood, is producing his first film, “Hopper’s Nighthawks: 90 Minutes and Nine Lives.”
Myers, who once worked in Columbia Pictures’ story department, wrote “Hopper’s Nighthawks” with partner and “Masters in Screen Play” author Arlene Clendenin. The film is about a conflict between Hopper and his artist wife Josephine in the early days of World War II. The movie will be filmed during a six-day period with a current budget of $40,000.
Myers, 93, will also be competing in 13 events in the Huntsman World Senior Meet Oct. 3-5 in St. George, Utah. At last year’s senior meet, Myers won 11 medals.
“Sixth consecutive year in this meet,” Myers explained. “But the first time I’ll get a movie made after 73 years of trying.”
Myers has been a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences since 1956. During his public relations career he’s had a wide variety of experiences, including “having to get Marilyn Monroe out of bed-twice.”
Myers and his wife are also founders of their own holiday, AmigoDay, which encourages people to “just greet anyone, anywhere, your way, any month’s first Sunday.”