Malibu Schools Send Students Home Early Due to Heat


The Santa Monica-Malibu School District sent out a district-wide email informing parents and caregivers that they have the option to pick up their students at any time Tuesday, Oct. 24 due to the extreme wind and heat conditions. They are asked to check students out through the school office. 

Following instructions from each campus’ principal, staff will remain on campus. Alternatively, students may stay in their classroom if their parents are unable to pick them up; after school activities such as the Boys and Girls Club will go on.

Students will receive an excused absence for any class time missed. 

SMMUSD Superintendent Dr. Ben Drati addressed the necessity of air condition installation throughout the campuses—while emphasis has been placed on the project, the district is still in the process of creating plans for the “multi-year process.” 

A minimum day schedule will be implemented throughout the district on Wednesday, Oct. 25.

Minimum day schedules vary between schools but have students out of class between 11:45 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. depending on which school and which grade level the student attends.