Letter: Testing Moves Ahead

Letter to the Editor

It is with great pleasure that Malibu Unites announces a major victory for the Malibu community. This would not have been possible without our community advocates, our strong voice and our continued quest for the truth.

We just received an email from the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) stating that the DTSC will perform comprehensive soil testing on the three campuses. Maria Gillette of the DTSC, emailed to say, “DTSC is proposing to conduct a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the soil at the entire Malibu High School campus (including the Middle and Elementary Schools). The soil sampling effort will be similar, but more comprehensive than the work ARCADIS conducted in 2010.” 

Malibu Unites has shown that together and united we are making a difference. We are extremely thankful to our entire leadership team, our distinguished advisory council as well as all of you, for your support and commitment.

This is a distinct step in the right direction but there is much more work that needs to be done. Most important, we need to work with the district and the regulatory agencies to ensure that the testing is done properly. We have been advised that independent oversight is critical to ensuring accurate and unbiased results. Our experts are currently working on testing protocols and acceptable detection limits. We need your support to continue our work to ensure the health and safety of our children and teachers.

We welcome any and all support from you. We need advocates, whether you have five minutes or five hours. This is a grassroots effort. If everyone does a little, a lot can be accomplished.

Join Malibu Unites at www.MalibuUnites.com, like us on Facebook at MalibuUnites and follow us on Twitter @MalibuUnites.

Jennifer deNicola