Letter: Starting Over

Letter to the Editor

In the Sept. 4 edition of The Malibu Times, Steve Uhring stated in a letter, “Malibu High History,” “The Malibu Community Alliance (MCA) appeal does not prevent the district from testing and remediating the PCB contamination at the school.” What isn’t said is that the MCA appeal is preventing the new school construction/BB building plan from moving forward. We don’t need to test.We already know the caulk and soil is contaminated. The “enemy” here, as the letter calls it, is not the MCAit is the PCBs!

It is time to put to use the approved plans and the multi millions of dollars set aside for this project. If the MCA would drop its appeal, we could do just that. According to the Coastal Commission and the City of Malibu, if the MCA would drop the appeal we could break ground in no time. We do not need to clean up the old schoolwe need a new one.

Justine Petretti