“I’m going to go to the polls. Every vote does count and I hope that my vote will help to support a continuation of Malibu’s diverse culture. We have Sunlife Organics here and now Vintage Grocers in Trancas, let’s continue [revolutionizing] Malibu.”
With only a few days left before Malibu voters head to the polls to vote on candidates for Malibu City Council, correspondent Julie Ellerton hit the streets to see what residents cared about as they prepared to cast their votes.
“I voted absentee, it’s already gone, I always vote. I’ve lived in Malibu since 1963, in the same house, and I’ve seen things going to pot. I’d like to change that and see us go in the right direction where the City Council takes the views of the residents before they do the businessman.”
“I’m going to be voting absentee. Malibu’s a pretty small community, it’s important to take a stand for what you believe and to participate in making that change.”
“I vote absentee, I always vote absentee. We live in a democracy, I always vote first of all. In Malibu, I think we’re at risk of losing our semi-rural character and it’s important to me to try to put [council members] in place to keep that intact.”
“I’m going to go to the polls, I just don’t want Malibu to change into Santa Monica. I’m voting so that Malibu stays country.”
“I’m hoping my vote will help with the health and safety of the schools. The schools have difficulty with pollution, it has to be faced and dealt with. Kids come to school with so much energy, we don’t want to get them sick, period.”