Letter: Staying True to Malibu

Letter to the Editor

A lot of people ask me why I’ve thrown my hat into the ring in the City Council race, and it’s important to me that people understand why. For me, it comes to down to this deep appreciation for the spectacular beauty of this place, and the rare community feel of it. It’s special and I am committed to working hard and smart to retain Malibu’s unique charm — there is only one Malibu, and once it’s gone, it’s gone. I don’t want to lose that — it is of tremendous value — and is the reason Malibu is a retreat to so many. 

It’s important to me that we, as a city, provide youth facilities for recreation, that we manage the safety of PCH and our schools in a pragmatic way, and manage growth in the Civic Center in both a creative and functional manner that doesn’t overburden our deteriorating infrastructure. I believe it’s critical we review the history and performance of Malibu’s legal resources and use the exhaustive planning and zoning laws to ensure that present and future development remain in compliance with Malibu’s mission statement and general plan.

It’s my personal mission to return the City of Malibu to its founding vision and mission statement by first returning the City Council to a body of integrity and decorum centered on a process of openness and civic involvement that encourages all of the public to engage and make their divergent views available — only then can we achieve real solutions that mirror the uniqueness and cachet that make up Malibu.

Andy Lyon and I stand for everybody who ever got pushed aside or dismissed, who felt unheard and gave up because it was too hard. It’s a “Last of the Mohicans” vibe — and we’re not going anywhere. I hope you’ll stand with us.

Hamish Patterson