Letter: Vote Rick Mullen

Letter to the Editor

My name is Richard Knapik. I am a Marine veteran with service in a combat environment, and understand the importance of leadership. I had the privilege of serving with Rick Mullen during the Gulf War, and during those eight months Rick and I were part of a flight crew on CH-53E Super Stallions. The CH-53E is the workhorse of Marine aviation. 

As an Aircraft Commander, Rick was responsible for the safe transport of his crew and up to 37 combat ready troops. By definition, shipboard operations are always dangerous, and when you add operating during the night and in a desert environment, it becomes exponentially more perilous. It goes without saying that his ability to remain calm under pressure and his commitment to teamwork are his trademark characteristics. 

When we embarked upon that journey that had life changing potential I was just 20 years old. Young Marines depend on their leaders for guidance and support; in my role, I depended on Rick to get me back safe. What went unnoticed at the time was how much Rick depended on me and his crew to get him home safe. I’m not sure as a young Marine I ever fully realized that responsibility. As much as I trusted Rick, he was equally dependent on his crew. Twenty-plus years after my service, I’ve stayed in contact with Rick. 

As a resident of Sturbridge, Mass., I don’t have a vote in your upcoming election. However, if I was a resident of Malibu I would knock on all of your doors to tell you what I know about Rick. He is a lifelong leader, he is a man of integrity and he is exactly the person you would want influencing your community. I met Rick in 1988 and the influence and advice he gave me 28 years ago, and today, has greatly impacted my family and my path in life. I don’t know much about Malibu, but what I do know is that there isn’t a community in this great nation that wouldn’t benefit from the leadership and experience a man like Rick Mullen can offer.

Richard Knapik